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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Ramani, Ravi CAL - Managerial Studies Faculty $ 130,220.56

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Ramani, Ravi WL - Forestry Post doc
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Dalessandro, Peter WL - Clinical Dexa Rechar Mgmt/Prof
Hambrick, WL - Clinical Dexa Rechar Service
Heidenreich, Donna WL - 4VPEC Admin/Prof
George, Judy NC - Alumni Affairs Clerical
Dunning, John WL - Northeast - Purdue A Faculty
Heath, Kathy WL - Northeast - Purdue A facult
Eberle, CAL - Student Health Cent Temporary
Haviarova, Eva CAL - Student Health Cent Continuing Lecturer
Jenkins, Michael CAL - Student Health Cent Operations/Technical

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