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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Barrett, R R FW - Building Services Service $ 20,542.88
Barrett, Robert M WL - Engineering Computer Admin/Prof $ 64,795.44
Barrett, Robert A FW - Computer Science Visiting Fac/Emeriti $ 32,099.80

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Barrett, R WL - Center Comp Trans Re Limited Term Lect
Aldrich, WL - The Education Store Admin/Prof
Wolfe, Gregory WL - 4Interc Athl Service
Cripe, WL - Biometrics Mgmt/Prof
Granger, Allison WL - CAPS Clerical
Enneking, WL - Materials Mgmt facult
Howell, Kathleen WL - Com Mfg Temporary
Cook, WL - Native American Cult faculty
Gerrish, WL - Native American Educ Temporary Cler/Serv
Hallock, WL - 4NACC Continuing Lecturer
Felluga, Dino WL - Business Opportunity Operations/Technical

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