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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Schneider, Paul R WL - English Faculty $ 92,496.31

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
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Hatasa, Kazumi WL - Health Service
Hockerman, Gregory CAL - Admissions faculty
Herbst, WL - Human Development an Clerical
Bae, Yeon Jin WL - Mathematics Non Pay
Hicks, James FW - Theater Mgmt/Prof
Zhang, Shichun NC - Heating and Power facult
Burnes, Robert WL - Tarkington Residence Student
Smalls, Morgan WL - Villa Pizza Support
Plite, Steven WL - College of Agricultu Police Hourly
Gomez, Naomi WL - Cary Quadrangle Limited Term Lecture

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