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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Seward, Nile Z WL - College of Education Operations/Technical $ 16,737.25

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Seward, Nile WL - School of Languages Clinical/Research
Ullrich, Gerry WL - Biomedical Engineeri Admin/Prof
Watson, Maria WL - 4Bio Sci Clerical
Dixon, Jameson WL - Computer Graphics Te Operations/Technical
Steinhauer, WL - Vice President for R Service
Mosca, WL - Department of Manage Student
Shaw, Liane FW - FW Career Services facult
Polk, John WL - Chemistry Mgmt/Prof
Stanley, WL - Mechanical Engineeri M/P Professional
Highland, Jennifer FW - 2Dental Educ Fire/Police BW Sal
Moseson, WL - Agricultural Communi Graduate Student

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