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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lee, Nancy A WL - College of Agricultu Service $ 15,576.16

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lee, Nancy FW - Career Services Faculty
Chastain, NC - Intramurals Temporary
Groves, Nadiyah WL - Ofc of VP Stu Life Resident
Gu, Yu WL - HTM Food Service Rch Admin/Prof
Nairne, WL - Animal Facilities CM Service
Schwieterman, Mark WL - Ofc of Grad Programs Clerical
Nance, WL - SVM Computer Network Operations/Technical
Law, William WL - The Education Store Post Doc Intern Res
Langemeier, Michael WL - Accounting Srvcs Graduate Student
Long, Cheryl WL - BIRS ROCHE facult
Basu, WL - Plant Science Mgmt Fire/Police BW Sal

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