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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Florence, Nancy A WL - Graduate School Admi Clerical $ 24,210.27

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Florence, Nancy WL - MCDLS Recharge M/P Management
Wiese, CAL - Purdue Systems Secu Admin/Prof
Goldenstein, Christopher CAL - Mathematics Comput faculty
Mowery, NC - Computer Technology Service
Munguia Vazquez, Raymundo NC - Computer Technology Continuing Lecturer
Gillespie Harmon, Caroline NC - Computer Technology Operations/Technical
Bracht, Cassandra FW - Educational Studies Mgmt/Prof
Metro, Daniel CAL - Chemistry and Physi Fellowship Pre Doc
Henning, Barbara NC - Customer Service Cen facult
Skrzypczak, Eva NC - Customer Service Cen Student
Weaver, Carol NC - Enterprise Applicati Fire/Police BW Sal

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