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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Boes, Nancy A WL - Curriculum and Instr Continuing Lecturer $ 46,187.07

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Boes, Nancy CAL - Communication and C Clerical
Robb, Stephen WL - Building Services faculty
Walls, FW - Ceremonies Admin/Prof
Warwick, James WL - PMU Catering Fire/Police Mgmt
Chai, Guolin WL - Sm Anml Comm Pract Limited Term Lect
Fettinger, Cortney WL - Sm Anml Comm Pract M/P Management
Warwick, Lori WL - 4Grills Mgmt/Prof
Warwick, WL - Education Res Service
Domke, Gayla WL - Southeast-Purdue Agr Operations/Technical
Betten, John WL - Center for Paralysis Student
Walker, WL - School of Hospitalit Temporary Cler/Serv

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