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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Powell, Michael C WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 34,036.04

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Powell, Michael WL - 4RecandWellnes Faculty
Balogh, WL - 4NutrSci Service
Boer, Alyssa WL - 4Nuclear Eng Mgmt/Prof
Engel, WL - 4Mgmt Admin/Prof
Racz, WL - 4Mccutcheon Student
Del Real, Juan WL - 4MarkmediaWL Temporary Cler/Serv
Ward, Joseph WL - 4Libraries facult
Boehlje, Michael WL - 4IT TLT Executive
Bickham, John WL - 4Grounds WL Clerical
Allen, April WL - 4Forest Ntr Continuing Lecturer
Goodsell, WL - 4Entomology Limited Term Lect

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