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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Focosi, Michael D WL - College of Science A Admin/Prof $ 69,614.82

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Focosi, Michael WL - Mech Admin/Prof
Vandeveer, NC - Admissions facult
Maddy, Abbey FW - 2HospTourMgt Post Doc
Mongerie, WL - 4Wind Dining Support
Dixon, Jameson WL - Windsor Residence Ha Temporary
Nauman, Eric WL - 4Op and Maint Clerical
Gillespie, Robert CAL - Mathematics Comput Clinical/Research
Veenstra, Wl Faculty
Vogelpohl, WL - WL CQ RA Mgmt/Prof
Alkire, Ben FW - Testing Services Operations/Technical
Gascho, Marletta FW - Special Events Fire/Police Admin

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