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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Yavuz, Mehmet D WL - Finance Faculty $ 309,323.58

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Yavuz, Mehmet CAL - 1CHESS Admin/Prof
Stull, Kurt WL - Ofc of International Temporary
Tiwari, Alka FW - Educational Studies Clerical
Risk, Anita WL - WL Owen RA Faculty
Straw, Mark FW - Alumni Relations Student
Bowen, Kyle WL - Government Relations Management
Smith, John WL - WL FST Housing Operations/Technical
Miller, Jon CAL - Academic Quality and Continuing Lecturer
Wenger, Joel WL - Business Opportunity Fellowship Pre Doc
Iseley, David WL - Right/Conduct/Grad Mgmt/Prof
Dejoie, Roy FW - 2Odv facult

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