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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Davenport, Matthew A WL - McCutcheon Residence Admin/Prof $ 30,230.69

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Davenport, Matthew WL - Civil Engineering Service
Nairne, WL - Medical Education faculty
Munnamalai, Vidhya FW - Building Services Mgmt/Prof
Keaton, WL - Boiler Television police
Comer, Jill NC - Foreign Languages Student
Kern, FW - University Police Non Pay
Hernandez, Rachael FW - University Police Admin/Prof
Decker, Alicia WL - Medical Education Limited Term Lect
Maxwell, WL - Medical Education M/P Professional
Merwade, Venkatesh FW - Dental Education Clerical
Batchelder, Laura WL - Business Opportunity Support

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