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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Claeys, Matthew C WL - Animal Sciences Mgmt/Prof $ 88,202.40

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Claeys, Matthew WL - 4SATT Police Hourly
Sarzosa, Miguel WL - The Energy Center Limited Term Lect
Chu, WL - Operations and Mainten Mgmt/Prof
Sarjent, Traci FW - Dean of Students Clerical
Lahr, CAL - Academic Center for Post doc
Purkey, CAL - 1QuantBusSt Temporary Cler/Serv
Saqui, James WL - 4ITAS Temporary A/P
Ruhana, Marcella WL - 4AOBO Fire/Police Mgmt
Gu, Yue CAL - 1CollNursing Fire/Police BW Sal
Ruggiero, Dana FW - Educational Studies Graduate Student
Rucker, Nick WL - Office of Marketing Admin/Prof

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