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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lencke, Mary Beth WL - Undergraduate Study Admin/Prof $ 43,544.33

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lencke, Mary Beth FW - Psychology Faculty
McCuskey, Beth FW - Communication Scienc facult
Houston, Carol FW - Communication Student
Vader, Matthew FW - Communication Scienc Support
Martin, Roxanne FW - Communication Admin/Prof
Bolin, Jeffrey WL - MSMBA Service
Burke, Robert FW - Building Services Temporary
Howell, Edward CAL - Engineering Technol Continuing Lecturer
Kirkham, Perry CAL - Engineering Technol Clinical/Research
Neuhoff, CAL - Engineering Technol Mgmt/Prof
Millsaps, Mary CAL - Engineering Technol Post Doc Intern Res

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