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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lopez, Martha F WL - 4NutrSci Service $ 24,998.35

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lopez, Martha CAL - Graduate School Adm Mgmt/Prof
Kluender, Keith CAL - 1CollNursing Admin/Prof
Bender, Darlene NC - Student Counseling Service
Catron, Holly CAL - Graduate School Adm Limited Term Lect
buchanan, NC - Stores and Service Ope Operations/Technical
Nord, Gary WL - Center for Instructi Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Setzer, Claude WL - 4Convenience Student
Bethel, CAL - 1PubSafety Post Doc
Tonne, WL - Office of Government Faculty
Robinson, Janet CAL - Admissions Temporary
Luzader, CAL - General Stores Oper Temporary A/P

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