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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Towns, Marcy H WL - Chemistry Faculty $ 110,546.60

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Towns, Marcy WL - PMU Catering Operations/Technical
Moore, Gary WL - Sm Anml Comm Pract Mgmt/Prof
Mich, Claudia WL - Sm Anml Comm Pract Clerical
Boyle, Amy WL - 4Grills Student
Gray, William WL - Education Res Temporary Cler/Serv
Morgan, WL - Southeast-Purdue Agr Temporary
Danielian, Roy WL - Center for Paralysis facult
Ramey, WL - School of Hospitalit Graduate Student
Qiu, NC - The College of Engin faculty
Laswell, Jon NC - The College of Engin Admin/Prof
Stillwell, NC - Quantitative Busines Professional

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