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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Nevius, Marcella J WL - Biological Sciences Clerical $ 27,844.29

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Maluga, Timothy WL - Research Machine Ser Temporary Cler/Serv
Alsup, FW - 2Oper and Main Temporary
Lee, Hyowon FW - 2Mgmt and Mark Graduate Student
Hawkins, Kemuel FW - 2HRandInstEqty Continuing Lecturer
Thompson, Wanitta FW - 2Engr and Tech facult
Cuellar, Samuel FW - 2Bursar and St Limited Term Lect
Cable, Amber FW - 2Arts and Scie Limited Term Lecture
Conover, Steven FW - 2Acad and Stud Student
Pinnick, Harold FW - Athletic Admin Faculty

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