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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Feldt, Lorri L CAL - 1ColBusiness Mgmt/Prof $ 69,412.14

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Feldt, Lorri CAL - 1SpaMgtPlaDe Faculty
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Luzader, Sally WL - Tarkington Residence Service
Seward, Ronald WL - Villa Pizza Clerical
Inamdar, Amruta WL - 4Bio Sci facult
Goodwin, Ella FW - Small Business Devel M/P Management
Buzzanell, Patrice NC - Financial Aid Support
Rubesch, Michael WL - Agronomy Limited Term Lect
Manwaring, Kathleen FW - 2Math Temporary
Hoffherr, Megan WL - Purdue Promise Student
Sternberg, Martina WL - Entomology Mgmt/Prof

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