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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Wolf, Lori L WL - 4EPE Operations/Technical $ 41,901.31

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Wolf, Lori WL - Communication Post Doc
Wilson, Erica CAL - 1Career Ctr M/P Management
Lonsberry, Gabriel WL - 4Earhart Fire/Police BW Sal
Toms, Andrew FW - 2Oper and Main Admin/Prof
Dixon, Jameson WL - Accounting Srvcs Temporary Cler/Serv
Wilson, Erica NC - Biological Sciences Police Hourly
Karpicke, Stephanie NC - Biological Sciences LTD
George, Judy NC - Biological Sciences Service
Greiner, Geni WL - Office of The Indian Limited Term Lect
McKinney, Paula FW - Criminal Justice M/P Professional
Cirillo, John WL - Cheerleaders Temporary

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