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Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Rouser, Lita WL - HTM Foodservice Admin/Prof
Gaekle, Robert WL - HTM Foodservice Clerical
Flachs, Andrew WL - HTM Foodservice Mgmt/Prof
Sutter, Richard FW - Bursar and Student F Service
Ripple, John FW - Bursar and Student F Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Smith, Curtis FW - Bursar and Student F Faculty
Dong, FW - Bursar and Student F Resident
Comer, Douglas FW - Bursar and Student F Temporary Cler/Serv
Sultemeier, Lisa WL - Field Extension Police Hourly
Weiland, WL - HTM Foodservice Limited Term Lect
Petrova, Diana WL - WL WILY Housing Support

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