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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Rouser, Lita A WL - Office of Engagement Admin/Prof $ 31,820.62

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Rouser, Lita WL - 4Poly Anders Admin/Prof
Lee, Linda WL - 4DineCater Continuing Lecturer
Payne, WL - Curriculum and Instr Faculty
Engels, NC - Admissions Mgmt/Prof
Falk, Gideon WL - 4DineCater Service
Naville, James FW - Dental Education facult
Storms, Amy NC - Heating and Power Temporary
Lee, Linda WL - Accounting Services Clin Res or NonTT
Ranard, Jon NC - Development Office Executive
Stansberry, Bruce WL - University Press Limited Term Lect
Griffith, Glen WL - Tarkington Residence Post doc

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