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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Li, Lining WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 28,404.57

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Li, Lining CAL - Academic Programs A Police Hourly
Kronewitter, Thomas WL - Engineering Educatio Temporary
Beeler, Paul WL - Communication Temporary Cler/Serv
Arnett, Joseph WL - Veterinary Medical T Faculty
Franklin, Leroy CAL - Mathematics Comput Fire/Police BW Sal
Myers, WL - Purdue Research Foun OT-CLOSED GROUP
Ravai, Guity WL - Office of Treasury O Admin/Prof
Mulligan, Joseph WL - 4Engr Techn Continuing Lecturer
Ivey, Beate CAL - 1CLAS Support
Brown, Cheri WL - Agronomy Non-exempt Prof
Lai, FW - Arts and Sciences Acad Limited Term Lecture

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