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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Caterina, Lindsey K WL - 4NutrSci Service $ 23,522.40

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Caterina, Lindsey WL - Krannert Leaders Aca Admin/Prof
Dixon, Barbara WL - Communications Operations/Technical
Bentley, Christopher WL - 4Earhart Mgmt/Prof
Allen, Cynthia WL - 4DigitalED Clerical
Parker, Chris CAL - Constuct Sci Management
Wulle, Bernard FW - Human Services M/P Management
Newton, Jill FW - 2ComScandDis Student
Dillman, Brian WL - Utilities Distributi Temporary Cler/Serv
Eismin, Thomas WL - Utilities Distributi faculty
Kerst, Gordon FW - Accounting and Finan Fire/Police BW Sal
Stanley, David WL - IT Customer Relation Service

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