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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Wagner, Linda J FW - Mathematics Continuing Lecturer $ 55,621.83

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Wagner, Linda WL - 4Wind Dining Admin/Prof
David, Marlo FW - 2MIRS Professional
Xue, WL - 4Univer Band Mgmt/Prof
Eash, Courtney NC - Mathematics Faculty
Bella, WL - Cab Operating police
Hermesch, FW - Marketing Publicati Clerical
Gentry, John WL - Div of Construction Student
Bergman, WL - Northeast - Purdue A Service
Wilcoxson, Mitsue WL - 4An Sci Res Operations/Technical
Timbo, Richard CAL - 1CusSrvCtr facult
Wu, FW - Project Management Temporary A/P

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