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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Martin, Linda J WL - 4Field Ext Clerical $ 36,497.18
Martin, Linda M WL - 4VisandPerfArt Limited Term Lect $ 7,799.99

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Martin, Linda WL - Director of Business Service
Parker, Gina CAL - University Police D Clerical
Mondal, WL - Undergraduate Recrui Temporary
Cottrell, Betty WL - Marketing Post Doc
Zabeeb, CAL - 1TestSvcCen Admin/Prof
Lehman, Ronald WL - MCDLS Recharge Mgmt/Prof
Allison, WL - Undergraduate Advisi Limited Term Lect
Coto, Jeffrey WL - Computer Science Temporary Cler/Serv
Oswalt, Brian CAL - Managerial Studies Student
Nguyen, Hanh+Thuy NC - Admissions Faculty
Etigowni, CAL - 1HonorsColl Operations/Technical

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