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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lee, Linda S WL - Agronomy Faculty $ 169,179.84
Leeson-Oldenburg, Linda A CAL - 1English Limited Term Lect $ 10,800.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lee, Linda WL - 4Sr Dir EHPS Temporary Cler/Serv
Tyler, Alan WL - 4Mgmt faculty
Sampson, Robert WL - Libraries Professional
Sansone, CAL - 1PubSafety Temporary
Satvat, CAL - 1SAS Admin/Prof
Samples, Rachael WL - Sr Dir EHPS Admin Operations/Technical
Rowe, Wl Student
Samanta, Roopsha CAL - General Stores Oper Clerical
Salyer, Adam WL - Department of Health Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Salts, Kimberly WL - The Energy Center Mgmt/Prof
Salts, Dixie WL - CoE Admin facult

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