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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Meadows, Lee A WL - Ofc of International Clerical $ 30,886.62

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Meadows, Lee WL - Pharmacy Student
Watts, Val WL - Ctr for Prf Stds in Non Pay
Watt, Deborah WL - Ctr for Environmenta Admin/Prof
Kersey, Sandra WL - Ctr for Environmenta Limited Term Lect
Beaulieu, Lionel WL - Ctr for Environmenta Service
Gill, Mark WL - Ctr for Environmenta M/P Professional
Dulin, Tanya WL - 4CERIS Clerical
Hegarty, Joseph WL - College of Agricultu Support
Crowder, Patricia WL - Small Animal Medicin LTD
Wright, Tyler WL - 4Il-IN Sea Post doc
Wagner, Diane WL - IN-IL Sea Grant Temporary Cler/Serv

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