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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Weaver, Laura A NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Admin/Prof $ 49,293.84

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Weaver, Laura FW - DSBMS Student Adv Ce Support
Schweikert, NC - The College of Busin Post Doc Intern Res
Slone, NC - The College of Busin Admin/Prof
Sadowski, Mary NC - The College of Busin Post doc
Marquez, Jasmine NC - The College of Busin Operations/Technical
Ferroli, Christina NC - Department of Busine police
Leithliter, WL - Consulting Clerical
Smathers, FW - Physical Plant - Adm Student
Jaramillo, Chelsie WL - Cryo EM Recharge Mgmt/Prof
Voglewede, Cynthia WL - ISPA Service
Ambike, Satyajit CAL - 1SAS Temporary Cler/Serv

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