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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Dolin, Laura A WL - Admissions Admin/Prof $ 38,357.77

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Dolin, Laura FW - 2Mgmt and Mark Continuing Lecturer
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Hamilton, Amy CAL - 1Chanc Graduate Student
Ordille, Marilyn FW - 2Engr and Tech Visiting Faculty
Demay, CAL - 1CHESS Faculty
Lobello, CAL - 1Bursar Temporary Cler/Serv
Lee, Krystle FW - 2Engl Ling Admin/Prof
Breschinsky, Dimitri CAL - 1Behavior Sc Mgmt/Prof
Sutton, Gary CAL - 1CollegeTech Operations/Technical
Piller, John CAL - 1Athletics Student
Yeager, Jewel FW - 2DeptofPubPo Clerical

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