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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Meyer, Kimberly WL - Vice President for E Admin/Prof $ 19,155.70
Meyerholtz, Kimberly A WL - Animal Disease Diagn Operations/Technical $ 43,227.29

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Klassen, Diane FW - Arts Service
Meyer, Kimberly FW - Office Diversity and M Admin/Prof
Donnell, Julie FW - Engineering and Techno Mgmt/Prof
Dietz, Kathryn CAL Clerical
Hanson, CAL - Physical Facilities Temporary Cler/Serv
Ortalan, Volkan FW - Academic Success Cen faculty
Romines, Barbara WL - Oral English Profici facult
Valle, Ernesto CAL - Computer Informatio Continuing Lecturer
Kennell, Cindy NC - Communication Student
Russ, Alissa NC - Communication Operations/Technical
Burnett, Tracy NC - Communication Post Doc Intern Res

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