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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Buchanan, Kenneth M WL - Intercollegiate Athl Service $ 63,092.23

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Buchanan, Kenneth WL - 4Ag Econ Student
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Solis, Javier FW - History Temporary
Trimble, WL - Libraries Service
Ortiz, WL - Civil Engineering Continuing Lecturer
Kearl, WL - Zucrow Lab Gen Op Post Doc
McNeely, Cathyanne NC - College of Humaniti facult
Remster, Mary WL - COO Programs Clerical
Villarreal, WL - Butler Center Graduate Student
Boiarsky, Carolyn WL - Research Machine Ser Support
Heister, Stephen WL - FSCL Post Doc Intern Res

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