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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Roark, Kendall L WL - 4Libraries Faculty $ 71,324.15

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Roark, Kendall WL - Business Opportunity Service
Liming, James NC - Purchasing Admin/Prof
Limon, Peter CAL - Chemistry and Physi faculty
Amstutz, WL - PRIME Lab Clerical
Whiteman, WL - Alumni Relations and Mgmt/Prof
Lim, Seung-Oe FW - 2OIE Temporary Cler/Serv
Ramirez, Julio FW - Office of Institutio facult
Lim, Chee Kin FW - Office of Institutio Continuing Lecturer
Fader, John FW - Office of Institutio Operations/Technical
Lim, Dong FW - Office of Institutio Temporary
Limerick, James WL - WL MCUT Housing Post doc

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