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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Felty, Kelly L WL - School of Management Admin/Prof $ 60,807.06

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Felty, Kelly WL - Business Office IP and Temporary Cler/Serv
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Westfall, WL - Purdue Climate Chang Temporary
Curry, Jane WL - Business Office IP and Service
Doss, Elaine WL - FSCL facult
Cope, Nancy FW - Ofc of Acad Intern Clerical
Mathew, Ian FW - Ofc of Acad Intern Student
Begley, Jill FW - Ofc of Acad Intern Admin/Prof
English, FW - Ofc of Acad Intern Mgmt/Prof
Erasmus, WL - Naval Science Temporary A/P
Abusara, Sam WL - Office of Life Long Post Doc Intern Res

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