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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Howe, Kelley A WL - Veterinary Clinical Clerical $ 26,911.64

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Howe, Kelley Wl Limited Term Lect
Deno, Susan WL - IT Customer Relation OT-CLOSED GROUP
Glebe, Mitchell WL - Mastodon Acad Perf Admin/Prof
Siegel, WL - EAPS Operations/Technical
Kubis, Tillmann WL - College of Liberal A Temporary Cler/Serv
Leeuw, Wilhemina WL - Field Extension Educ Service
Williams, Carole - Psychological Scienc Student
Delp, Terri WL - Senior Vice Presiden Clerical
Frye, Lynn FW - Mastodon Academic Pe Continuing Lecturer
Kawlewski, Courtney WL - Office of Engagement faculty
Heber, CAL - Construction Scienc Professional

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