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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Nelson, Kathy L WL - McCutcheon Residence Service $ 33,744.46

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Nelson, Kathy FW - Sociology facult
Gard, Matthew FW - Sociology Temporary
Greene, Kevin WL - 4CERIAS Student
Hallett, FW - Sociology Admin/Prof
Harth, Connie FW - Sociology Faculty
Harris, Kevin FW - Sociology Temporary A/P
Pruss, Heather NC - Maintenance Service
Littell, NC - Maintenance Operations/Technical
Howarth, Sandra NC - Maintenance Post Doc
Taub, Diane NC - Maintenance Post Doc Intern Res
Herban, NC - NC Maintenance Support

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