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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
LaMar, Katherine F WL - Vice President for H Admin/Prof $ 46,104.48

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
LaMar, Katherine WL - Materials Management Admin/Prof
Altevogt, Margaret FW - 2Human Servi Professional
Conwell, CAL - 1Mngr Study Faculty
LaRue, Elizabeth FW - Fine Arts Student
Pytlarz, WL - Engineering Educatio facult
Malicoat, Grant WL - 4DineCater Temporary Cler/Serv
Normandin, Trisha FW - 2SchoolofEdu Temporary
Woodcox, Stephanie WL - Psychological Scienc Temporary A/P
Shepler, Joshua NC - Registrar Mgmt/Prof
Stout, Julianne FW - Student Housing police
Charters, Karen WL - EPICS Clerical

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