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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Smith, Karolyn M FW - Admissions Clerical $ 26,197.60

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Smith, Alice WL - In-House Project Man Mgmt/Prof
Benoit, Rose WL - In-House Project Man Service
Danielian, Roy WL - Construction Inspect Temporary
Trout, CAL - Electrical and Comp Post Doc
Howald, Terrance CAL - Electrical and Comp Clerical
Walker, WL - Polytechnic Columbus Temporary Cler/Serv
Albano, Sean CAL - Instructional Techn Student
Abeysiriwardana, Suneetha CAL - Instructional Techn Operations/Technical
Janick, Jules CAL - Instructional Techn Faculty

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