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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Allen, Karen A WL - School of Management Clerical $ 43,475.13

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Allen, Karen FW - Campus Credentials a Faculty
Watts, Val FW - 2CCT Admin/Prof
Zeller, Leanna FW - 2CCT Service
Ramsey, Christine FW - Campus Credentials a Non-exempt Prof
Ragsdale, FW - Campus Safety Fire/Police Admin
Duvall, Monica FW - Campus Safety Student
Prabhu, FW - Campus Safety Operations/Technical
Hilliard, Nathanial FW - Campus Safety Post Doc
Duvall, John FW - Campus Safety Limited Term Lect
Qi, FW - Campus Safety Clerical
Amede, Samson WL - 4Sr Dir EES facult

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