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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Salazar, Kara A WL - IN-IL Sea Grant M/P Professional $ 81,330.18

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Salazar, Kara WL - Business Office Libr Faculty
Barreto, Reynaldo WL - Transportation Servi Admin/Prof
low, philip WL - Business Office Agri Mgmt/Prof
Walker, WL - Forestry and Natural Temporary A/P
Beaver, Janice WL - Forestry and Natural Fire/Police Mgmt
Barreto, Reynaldo WL - Forestry and Natural Student
Reeves, Carla WL - Forestry and Natural Clinical/Research
Levy, Morris WL - Curriculum and Instr Post Doc
Feldhaus, WL - Department of Manage Clerical
Bogdanor, WL - Department of Manage Operations/Technical
Barnett, Mitzi WL - Admissions Resident

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