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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Beck, Kaethe A WL - Discovery Park Admin Mgmt/Prof $ 67,551.41

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Beck, Kaethe WL - Accounting Services Operations/Technical
Morris, WL - IT Security and Poli Mgmt/Prof
Zhang, NC - Heating and Power OT-CLOSED GROUP
Mathew, WL - Heat Non Pay
Stillwell, NC - Student Counseling Admin/Prof
Sigo, Karla WL - Naval Sciences Service
Storms, Amy CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Management
Kyler, Holly FW - 2Alumni Rela M/P Professional
Yang, Haibing WL - College of Agricultu M/P Management
Zhang, Shichun CAL - Graduate School Adm Limited Term Lecture
Gudehus, Hilmar WL - 4EAPS Limited Term Lect

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