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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Greer, Justin E WL - IT Security and Poli Admin/Prof $ 55,782.83

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Greer, Justin Wl Clerical
Marszalek, Anthony WL - IT Research Computin Mgmt/Prof
Raman, Arvind WL - Field Extension Educ Service
Foster, Douglas WL - 4Grills Continuing Lecturer
Stehle, Nathan WL - Utility Engineering OT-CLOSED GROUP
Cuellar, Samuel WL - Business Office Mana Admin/Prof
Xia, Zilei CAL - College of Business Fire/Police Admin
Gruse, John WL - Civil Engineering Police Hourly
Patankar, Manoj FW - Testing Services Clinical/Research
Fletcher, WL - Center for Commercia Faculty
Brassie, WL - 4Interc Athl Student

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