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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Nixon, Judith M WL - 4Libraries Faculty $ 121,826.16

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Nixon, Judith WL - Grounds Faculty
Novakovic, Bozidar WL - Liberal Arts Counsel Student
Rowdon, WL - SLHS Speech Clinic R Mgmt/Prof
Haddad, Kim WL - Statistics M/P Management
Lock, Kimberly WL - Comptroller Admin/Prof
Terrell, CAL - 1CollNursing Operations/Technical
Novak, Robert NC - Developmental Studie Temporary Cler/Serv
Roy, FW - Vice Chancellor for Clerical
Stevenson, Rebecca WL - Certificate Program M/P Professional
Mullen, Kimerly FW - Visual Communication Service
Haselby, Rachel WL - Regenstrief Center f facult

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