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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Blakemore, Judith E FW - Psychology Faculty $ 101,288.14

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Blakemore, Judith NC - Admissions Temporary
Fliotsos, WL - Accounting Services M/P Management
Pettit, Robert FW - Dental Education Professional
Foell, Mary NC - Heating and Power Operations/Technical
Dixon, Cheryl WL - Tarkington Residence faculty
Creasy, Miles WL - Agronomy Admin/Prof
mcbeth, NC - Development Office Service
Flynn, Charles WL - Honors College Clerical
Wiggins, Karen CAL - Graduate School Adm Limited Term Lect
Wiercioch, Jane FW - Grounds Post Doc
Cox, William WL - 4NutrSci Mgmt/Prof

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