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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Brown, Josiah CAL - Admissions & Re Professional $ 24,631.84

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Brown, Josiah CAL - 1LearnTech Admin/Prof
Okantey, CAL - 1AlumAffairs Faculty
Dutton, Wanda Wl Service
Oney, James WL - Military Science Mgmt/Prof
Wetzstein, WL - Ofc of Prof Develop/ Clerical
Mistri, WL - Strategic Management Limited Term Lect
Rayburn, Shanna WL - 4Ofc Provost Student
Painter, Colleen WL - BIRS Weekend Continuing Lecturer
Love, Dreama WL - 4Interc Athl Temporary
McCord, Christopher WL - Center for Med Safet Post doc
McCord, Eva WL - Center for Med Safet Police Hourly

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