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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mann, Jonathan E FW - 2Music Limited Term Lect $ 1,971.02

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Mann, Jonathan WL - Capital Proj Temporary
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Khlebnikov, CAL - Central Heating and C Admin/Prof
Spencer, WL - Mathematics Service
Horner, Trudi FW - Dental Education M/P Management
Yeung, Sai NC - Heating and Power Student
Cao, Jianneng NC - Development Office Clerical
Li, Jianming CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Limited Term Lect
Turner, Diane WL - 4Southern IN Post Doc
Goodwin, Andrew WL - Programs/PSUB Mgmt/Prof
Ruffolo, Linda WL - 4Col of HHS Fellowship Pre Doc

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