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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Moreland, John R CAL - CIVS Temporary $ 49,080.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Moreland, John FW - Physical Plant Admin Admin/Prof
Zywicki, Craig WL - Ofc of Legal Counsel Clerical
Atkinson, David WL - Vice President for E Mgmt/Prof
Boudia, WL - Vice President for E Service
Atkinson, David WL - Vice President for E Student
Buchman, WL - Vice President for E M/P Management
Collins, Darwin WL - 4EAPS faculty
Atisso, Etienne FW - Athletic Training Fire/Police BW Sal
McCollum, Christopher FW - Assessment Admin facult
Athinarayanan, Ragu WL - Aerospace Studies Post doc
Thomovsky, Elizabeth WL - Aerospace Studies Graduate Student

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