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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Blosser, Joanne E FW - Communication Scienc Clerical $ 23,389.09

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Blosser, Joanne WL - WL Honors Admin Admin/Prof
Cotten, Sylvia WL - Educational Studies Clerical
Lovell, CAL - EMSA Reporting Temporary
Nowak, NC - Registrar Temporary A/P
Reed, NC - Registrar Faculty
Eggebrecht, Pamela NC - Registrar Student
Walters, Susan NC - EMSA Reporting Service
Wasniak, Kimberly WL - Veterinary Medical T Limited Term Lecture
Bradley, Lynda NC - Office of Institutio Fire/Police BW Sal
Grammer, Karen NC - Office of Institutio Fellowship Pre Doc
Williams, Kathleen NC - Office of Institutio facult

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