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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
White, Jerry L WL - Flatbreads Service $ 1,261.21

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
White, Jerry WL - 4Health Sci Graduate Student
Hoying, CAL - Computer Informatio Admin/Prof
Maiko, Saneta WL - University Bands Continuing Lecturer
Sieber, Richard WL - Biochemistry facult
Buell, Travis WL - CAPS Limited Term Lect
Welsh, Nicole FW - 2WareOps Limited Term Lecture
Lewellyn, Brooke FW - 2Theater Student
Chowdhry, Sunila FW - 2TestSer Faculty
Motia, Ashley FW - 2PoliSci Mgmt/Prof
Gajdzik, FW - 2Physics Temporary Cler/Serv
Ruhl, Gail FW - 2OrgLead OT-CLOSED GROUP

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