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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
De Groot, Jerry CAL - Mathematics Comput Continuing Lecturer $ 76,137.64

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
De Groot, Jerry FW - 2DeanStud Service
Webdell, Troy WL - Cary Quadrangle Fire/Police Admin
Landis, Maureen WL - Sociology Fire/Police BW Sal
Guo, Ting - Polytechnic Kokomo Continuing Lecturer
Grundy, Emily WL - 4Comm Clerical
Mills, FW - 2 ECE Mgmt/Prof
Jones, Kelsey WL - Marketing Police Hourly
Keener, Kevin CAL - VC Finance Limited Term Lect
Bailey, Carol WL - 4PMU Dining Admin/Prof
Thomas, WL - 4Shreve Operations/Technical
Cipriani, Kauline WL - Field Extension Educ Fire/Police Mgmt

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