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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Abbott, Jennifer K WL - 4Exploratory Admin/Prof $ 35,188.17

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Abbott, Jennifer NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Faculty
Mapa, Lakshman WL - 4Success facult
Mikhail, Maged FW - Psychology Student
Raub, Donna FW - Communication Scienc Support
Najzer, Julius FW - Communication Admin/Prof
Konyk, Cynthia FW - Communication Scienc Service
Gibney, Margaret FW - Communication Temporary
Dick, Brian WL - MSMBA Continuing Lecturer
Celestin, Chad FW - Building Services Clinical/Research
Black, Zachary CAL - Engineering Technol Mgmt/Prof
Frigo, Anthony CAL - Engineering Technol Post Doc Intern Res

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