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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Bolin, Jeffrey T WL - 4VP Research Mgmt/Prof $ 188,850.64

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Bolin, Jeffrey WL - Operations and Mainten Admin/Prof
Gregory, Anthony FW - Chancellor Clerical
Voudrie, Daniel WL - Technical Assistance Faculty
Gregory, Anthony WL - Convocations and Lec Service
Favela, WL - Sociology Department Post Doc Intern Res
Gregory, Anthony FW - 2StudInfoSys Operations/Technical
Gregory, Anthony WL - Center Comp Trans Re Student
Nelson, Jeffrey WL - 4EAPS Fire/Police Mgmt
Watkins, Adam Wl Post Doc
Gregory, Anne CAL - 1AdvisingCtr Support
Miller, CAL - Graduate Studies In Professional

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